This is what I did this Sunday: a sassy new nail with a trick I learned on Pinterest. I mixed both of my two colors, which was fairly straight-forward: peach+silver makes the copper, and turqoise+green+white makes the teal. If you already have these colors, I salute you.
Step 1: Base coat of copper. (woot woot!)
Step 2: Saran wrap. Take a piece of clear plastic wrap no bigger than, I don't know, your palm, and wad it up tight.
Step 3: Put out a few drops of your teal and dab your new tool into it. Do the first few "stamps" of the saran wrap onto paper or something, because they'll be too thick to use. Once you're getting good looking designs (should be about the third time) start doing it to your nails.
Step 4: repeat and topcoat. Not too bad, right?